Farm with 12 ha. Located 6 km from the sea
- total buildings area 857 sqm, (registed 506 sqm)
- 2 houses, one T3 and the other T2, with a total area of 259 sqm
- warehouses with an area of 542 sqm
- animals houses with 55 sqm
- cold storage chamber with an area of 62 sqm
- water tank with 225 m3 capacity
- land within the mira irrigation perimeter
- flower plantation (proteas) with an area of 7 ha. And with drip irrigation system with pumps and fertifizers
- well and water hole with a depth of 100 meters
- good access
- located at 10 km from odemira / 12 km zambujeira do mar / 14 km vila nova de milfontes
- constructions without use license, possibility of deed under decree law no. 10/2024, Of january 8